Thank you to Post members for renewing their 2020 membership

Dear Reader, the following correspondence is a letter from Post 1st Vice President Richard A. Mecabe to Post members thanking them for renewing their membership for the 2020 American Legion Fiscal Year. Courtesy of Post 1st Vice President Richard A. Mecabe.

Dear Legionnaire,

Your 2020 membership card (July 1 – June 30) is enclosed. Thank you for renewing your membership and for your continued support.

By renewing your membership, we are able to continue supporting fellow veterans in need. Throughout the year, we hosted a barbeque and visited the veterans for the holidays from the Veterans’ Nursing Homes in Stony Brook and Northport. We have also assisted in the Veteran Stand-Downs for homeless veterans and we have contributed to Scholarship awards, Boy’s State Program, and have given many Citizenship Awards. This is only a few of our accomplishments.

Our post is extremely fortunate, grateful and thankful to have the continued support from the Post Auxiliary. The Auxiliary is very active throughout the year and has contributed to our success and that of the American Legion’s goals. Our Post members and Auxiliary members have also hosted great holiday parties.

I cannot stress the importance of recruitment of new members. If you think you may know someone from the neighborhood or you can think of anyone who would like to be a part of our organization, please let me know and I will contact them. Please contact me via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 1-917-499-6626.

Remember, Merrick Post 1282 meets every fourth Monday at 8:00 p.m. Every effort should be made to attend these meetings. You will be able to see some old friends or meet some new.

If anyone is interested in recommencing Poker Night, this will start again at the Post on Fridays at 8:00 p.m. If interested, please contact Commander Robert Dishman or me, Richard A. Mecabe.

For God and Country,

Robert E. Dishman

Richard A. Mecabe
1st Vice Commander