Honor Flight

I am a Merrick Post No. 1282, American Legion, member and I am involved in a program called "Honor Flight". The Honor Flight program transports World War II Veterans for free who have not seen their World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. The visit to Washington D.C. is a one day trip which involves a flight out MacArthur Airport, a coach bus to and from the World War II Memorial, a boxed lunch, dinner at a restaurant and a flight back from Washington D.C. to MacArthur airport.

You can also sign up to be a "Guardian" to assist these World War II veterans to visit the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. The criteria for being a "Guardian", is that you must be a next generation able bodied volunteer and make a donation of $275 to help in the cost of transporting the World War II veterans to see their Memorial in Washington D.C. If you are a World War II Veteran who wants to see the World War II Memorial in Washing D.C. or if you want to sign up to be a "Guardian", please contact Virginia Bennett at 631-702-2423.

Russell J. Laliberte, Post Member