Community Read Aloud Day

Note 1: The following letter was addressed to Post Member, Barbara Byrne, from the Lakeside Elementary School officials for her participation in the above event.

Dear Lakeside Friend,

community read alound day 2014 resizedOn behalf of the children and staff of the Norman J. Levy/Lakeside School, we would like to thank you for participating in our Site-Based Team's Annual Community Read Aloud Day on January 17, 2014. Our student's greatly enjoyed your visit.

Reading is a fundamental part of every school day at the Levy/Lakeside School.  To hear the author's words come alive - especially through the voice of a "guest reader" - is a extra special treat.

We've had wonderful feedback about your read-aloud, both from the children and from the teacher! We hope that you enjoyed your time with the children as much as they did, and that you will be able to join us again. Once again, thank you for taking a few moments out of your busy schedule to share your love of reading with us.


Elizabeth Trencheny, Principal
Allison Banhazl, Asst. Principal
Melissa Levine, Librarian


Note 2: Courtesy of

Norman J. Levy Lakeside Elementary School
21 Babylon Road, Merrick, New York 11566
"Smile Wide With Lakeside Pride"